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Message from the Director

Professor Srikrishna Deva Rao, Vice-Chancellor & Director (Officiating)

In the new millennium, one witnesses a paradigm shift in legal education and pedagogy. One is reminded of Lord Tennyson’s words “Old order changeth yielding place to new”. Liberalization, globalization and homogenization of the world community make new demands and pose fresh challenges to our established systems and practices and, therefore, it is time to drop the old stereotyped notions of law, state and governance of Austinian tradition and to aim at a ‘Brave New World’ of equity and justice.

Annual -Exam-Schedules- May 2024
First Semester Repeat  Exams Schedule June 2024
Second  Semester  Exam Schedule June 2024
Third Semester Repeats  Exam Schedule June 2024
Fourth Semester  Exam Schedule June 2024​
First Semester Exam Schedule Dec 2023-January, 2024
Second  Semester Repeat Exam Schedule Dec, 2023-Jan 2024
 Third Semester Exam Schedule December 2023-Jan 2024
 Fourth Semester Repeat Exam Schedule December, 2023
NALSAR Annual Convocation on September 2, 2023

Annual Examination Schedule-June, 2023

First Semester Repeat Examination Schedule- June, 2023

Second Semester Examination Schedule- June, 2023

Third Semester Repeat Examination Schedule- June, 2023

Fourth Semester Examination Schedule- June, 2023

Schedule for pcp session - Second Semester and second Round
Schedule for pcp session -Fourth  Semester
First Semester Exam Schedule Jan-Feb, 2023
Third Semester Exam Schedule January 2023
Schedule for pcp session - First Semester and First Round
Supplementary -Annual-Exam-Schedules- 2021-2022 November 2022
Second Sem Repeat Exam Schedule November 2022
Schedule of Classes Third  Round and 3rd  Semester
Provisional-Results of MA in -Animal Protection Laws-Repeat-sem-1-June-22-2021-22
Provisional-Results of Advanced Diploma in -Animal Protection Laws-Repeat-sem-1-June-22-2021-22
Provisional-Resuts of Advanced Diploma in Cyber Security & Data Protection Laws -SEM-I-Repeat-June-22-2021-22
Provisional-Results of MA in International Taxation-Sem-I-Repeat-2020-2022
Provisional-Results of Advanced Diploma in Corporate Taxation-Sem-I-Repeat-2020-2022
Provisional-Resultsof MA in Aviation Law & Air Transport Management-Sem-IV-2020-2022
Provisional Results of PGD in Financial Services and Legislations – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws – I Sem Repeat Exam -(June, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem Repeat Exam -(June, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws) – I Sem Repeat Exam -(June, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) –I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of Advanced Diploma in Financial Services and Legislations – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of Advanced Diploma in Criminal Law and Forensic Science – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of Advanced Diploma in GIS & Remote Sensing Laws – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of Advanced Diploma in Advanced Maritime Laws – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of  Advanced Diploma in Aviation Law & Air Transport Management – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A.Criminal Law and Forensic Science –I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A.(Maritime Laws) –I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws) –I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws)– III Sem Repeat Exam-(June, 2022) Batch 2020-2022
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)– III Sem Repeat Exam-(Junue, 2022) Batch 2020-2022
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) –III Sem- Repeat Exam (June, 2022) Batch 2020-2022
Provisional Results of Semester IV -M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws)-(Batch 2020-2022) June, 2022
Provisional Results of Semester IV -M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)-(Batch 2020-2022) June, 2022
Provisional Results of Semester IV -M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management)-(Batch 2020-2022) June, 2022
Annual-Exam-Schedules- 2021-2022 June 10-13, 2022-Old-Batch
Annual-Exam-Schedules- 2021-2022 June 10-13, 2022-New-Batch
Provisional-Results-Advanced-Diploma-in CLFS-Sem-1-February-2022
Provisional-Results-Advanced-Diploma in APL-Sem-1-February-2022
Provisional Results of Advanced Diploma in GIS & Remote Sensing Laws – I Sem-(January, 2022)
Provisional Results of Advanced Diploma in Advanced Maritime Laws – I Sem-(January, 2022)
Provisional Results of  Advanced Diploma in Aviation Law & Air Transport Management – I Sem-(January, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A.(Maritime Laws) – I Sem-(January, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws) – I Sem-(January, 2022)

Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – I Sem-(January, 2022)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem-(January, 2022)
Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws – I Sem-(January, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of PGD in Financial Services and Legislations – I Sem-(January, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem-(January, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem-(January, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – I Sem-(January, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws) – I Sem-(January, 2022) (Old Batch)
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – III Sem-(January, 2022) Batch 2020-2022
Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws)– III Sem-(January, 2022) Batch 2020-2022
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)– III Sem-(January, 2022) Batch 2020-2022
Schedule of Classes Secound Round / Second Semester
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Animal Protection Laws (November, 2021) 2020-21
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma Cyber Laws (November, 2021) 2020-21
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma Patents Law (November, 2021) 2020-21
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in International Humanitarian Law (November, 2021) 2020-21
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution  (November, 2021) 2020-21
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma Alternative Dispute Resolution (November) 2020-2021,
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Drafting, Negotiation & Enforcement of Contracts (November, 2021) 2020-21
2nd-Sem-Repeat Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws)–(October,2021) 2020-2022
2nd-Sem-Repeat Results of M.A. Aviation Law and Air Transport Management–(October,2021) 2020-2022
2nd-Sem-Repeat Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)–(October,2021) 2020-2022
2nd-Sem-Repeat Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws –(October,2021) 2020-2021
2nd-Sem-Repeat Results of PGD in Financial Services and Legislations–(October,2021) 2020-2021
2nd-Sem-Repeat Results of PGD in Diploma in Criminal Law and Forensic Science–(October,2021) 2020-2021
Supplementary -Exam-Schedules-November-2020-21
Sem-II- Repeat Exam-Schedule- October- 2021
Provisional Results of Semester IV -M.A. Aviation Law and Air Transport Management-(Batch 2019-2021) July, 2021
Provisional Results of Semester IV -M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)-(Batch 2019-2021) July, 2021
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma Alternative Dispute Resolution(June, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of P.G Diploma in Animal Protection Laws(June, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma Patents Law old Syllabus (2018-19 Batch) (June, 2021)
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma Patents Law (June, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma Cyber Laws (June, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma in Drafting, Negotiation & Enforcement of Contracts (June, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma in Media Laws (June, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma in P.G Diploma in International Humanitarian Law (June, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional  Results of P.G Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution (June, 2021) 2020-21
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of PGD in Diploma in Criminal Law and Forensic Science–(June, 2021) 2020-2021
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of PGD in Financial Services and Legislations–(June, 2021) 2020-2021
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)–(June,2021) 2020-2022
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of M.A. Aviation Law and Air Transport Management–(June,2021) 2020-2022
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws)–(June,2021) 2020-2022
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management –(June,2021) 2020-2021
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of PGD in GIS & Remote sensing laws –(June,2021) 2020-2021
2nd-Sem-Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws –(June, 2021) 2020-2021
Provisional Results of PGD in Diploma in Criminal Law and Forensic Science – I Sem-Repeat Exam (May,2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in Diploma in Financial Services and Legislations – I Sem-Repeat Exam (May,2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of M.A. Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – III Repeat Exam (May, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)– III Sem-Repeat Exam (May, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in GIS & Remote sensing laws– I Sem- Repeat Exam (May, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws– I Sem- Repeat Exam (May, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem- Repeat Exam (May, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of M.A. (Space &Telecommunication Laws)– I Sem- Repeat Exam (May, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)– I-Sem-Repeat Exam (May,  2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of M.A. Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem-Repeat Exam (May,2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in Diploma in Criminal Law and Forensic Science – I Sem-(January, 2021) 2020-21
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Cyber Laws (January, 2021) 2019-20
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Animal Protection Laws (January, 2021) 2019-20
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Patents Law -New Syllabus (January, 2021) 2019-20
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Patents Law -old Syllabus (January, 2021) 2017-18 & 2018-19
Provisional Results of PGD in Diploma in Financial Services and Legislations – I Sem-(January, 2021)-2020-2021
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Media Laws (January, 2021) 2019-20
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in International Humanitarian Law (January, 2021) 2019-20
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution (January, 2021) 2019-20
Supplementary Results of P.G Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution (January, 2021) 2019-20
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – III Sem-(January, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)– III Sem-(January, 2021) 2020-21
  Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem-(January, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in GIS & Remote sensing laws– I Sem-(January, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws– I Sem-(January, 2021) 2020-21
Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem-(January, 2021)-2020-21
Provisional Results of M.A.(Space &Telecommunication Laws)–I Sem-(January, 2021) 2020-21  
Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws)– I Sem- (January, 2021) 2020-21 
Supplementary (Take Home) Examination Schedule January, 2021 (Modified)​
Second Semester Repeat Examination Results - Advanced PG Diploma in Criminal Law and Forensic Science
Supplementary (Take Home) Examination Schedule January, 2021 (Modified)​
Modified Examination Schedule (First Semester) - Advanced PG Diploma in Criminal Law & Forensic Science - January, 2021
Second Semester Repeat Examination Results - PG Diploma in Financial Services & Legislations
 First Semester (Take Home) Examination Schedule - January 2021 (Modified) 
  Third Semester (Take Home) Examination Schedule - January 2021 
 Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – II Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
icon arrow Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – II Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
 Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – II Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
 Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws – II Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
 Results of PGD in APL - Exam - 2019-20 
 Results of PGD in PL - Exam - 2019-20 
 Results of PGD in CL - Exam - 2019-20 
 Provisional Results of PGD in FDR - Exam - 2019-20 
 Provisional Results of PGD in FSL – II Sem - Exam - 2019-20 
 Provisional Results of PGD in ADR - Exam - 2019-20 
 Provisional Results of PGD in IHL - Exam - 2019-20 
 Provisional Results of PGD in Media Laws - Exam - 2019-20 
 Provisional Results of Advanced PGD in CLFS – II Sem - Exam - 2019-20 
 Final Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) - 2018-20
 Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – II Sem - Exam - 2019-20
icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – II Sem - Exam - 2019-20
 Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – II Sem - Exam - 2019-20
 Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws – II Sem - Exam - 2019-20
 Last Date for submission of Application Form for Admission has been further extended till September 30, 2020 considering the requests received from the prospective candidates for additional time.
 Last Date for submission of Application Form for Admission has been extended till August 31, 2020
 DDE Take Home Examinations Schedule 2019-2020 
 Circular on DDE Examinations 2019-2020 
 The DDE Examinations tentatively scheduled in the month of May/June 2020 are now postponed till July'20.
 University will conduct II Semester / II Round of Personal Contact Programmes 'Online'  in the month of May'20 for the courses for which the classes were postponed by the University due to Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic in March'20 . The detailed Programme schedule will be e-mailed shortly.
The II Semester / II Round of Personal Contact Programmes  scheduled between 18-22 March & 26-30 March have been postponed by the University as per the to Coronavirus (COVID19) Advisory by the Government  & UGC to avoid mass gatherings . 
Provisional Results of Advanced PGD in Criminal Law and Forensic Science – I Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
icon arrowProvisional Results of PGD in Financial Services and Legislations – I Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20 
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – III Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – I Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws – I Sem - Repeat Exam - 2019-20
icon arrowProvisional Results of PG Diploma in Patents Law–Supplementary Exams 2018-19 
  icon arrowProvisional Results of PG Diploma in Cyber Laws–Supplementary Exams 2018-19 
  icon arrowProvisional Results of PG Diploma in Media Laws–Supplementary Exams 2018-19 
 icon arrowProvisional Results of PG Diploma in IHL–Supplementary Exams 2018-19 
icon arrowI / III Semester Repeat Examinations for Semester Pattern Courses (2019-20) are Scheduled on 8-9 February 2020. Click here to submit Online Exam Form
Provisional Results of Advanced PGD in Criminal Law and Forensic Science – I Sem - Exam - 2019-20
icon arrowProvisional Results of PGD in Financial Services and Legislations – I Sem - Exam - 2019-20 
Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem - Exam - 2019-20
icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – III Sem - Exam - 2019-20
icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Security and Defence Laws) – I Sem - Exam - 2019-20
Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem - Exam - 2019-20
Provisional Results of PGD in Advanced Maritime Laws – I Sem - Exam - 2019-20

icon arrowUGC Public Notice reg.: Open and Distance Learning and Online Programmes-Important Information to   stakeholders - Published on 28-11-2019 

icon arrowI / III Semester Examinations for Semester Pattern Courses (2019-20) are Scheduled on 14-15 December 2019. Click here to submit Online Exam Form 
icon arrow Supplementary Examination Notification (2018-19) - Exams Scheduled on 30 Nov -1 December 2019
As per UGC Communication last Date to Apply for DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSES - 2019-20  is extended upto September 30, 2019 - Apply Online
ADMISSION NOTIFICATION FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSES - 2019-20 - Last date extended upto August 31, 2019 - Apply Online
icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – II Sem (Repeat Exam - 2018-19
Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – II Sem (Repeat Exam) - 2018-19
NALSAR University - 17th Annual Convocation - July 27, 2019 11.30 am - Live Telecast.
ADMISSION NOTIFICATION FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSES - 2019-20 - Last date extended upto August 10, 2019 - Apply Online
icon arrow Provisional Results of Patents Law–Annual Exams 2018-19
icon arrow Provisional Results of Cyber Laws–Annual Exams 2018-19
icon arrow Provisional Results of Media Laws–Annual Exams 2018-19
 ​icon arrow Provisional Results of IHL–Annual Exams 2018-19

icon arrow II Semester Repeat Examinations for Aviation Law Courses (2018-19) - Scheduled on 13-16 July 2019 - Click here to Submit Online Exam Form

icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – II Sem - 2018-19

  icon arrow Provisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – II Sem - 2018-19


   icon arrow Provisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem (Repeat Exam) - 2018-19

icon arrowProvisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem (Repeat Exam) - 2018-19

icon arrowII Semester Examinations for Aviation Law Courses (2018-19) are Scheduled on 17-18 May 2019. Click here to submit Online Exam Form
icon arrow Annual Examination (2018-19) for PG Diploma in Patents Law, Cyber Laws, Media Laws & IHL are Scheduled  on 3-4 May 2019.Click here to submit Online Exam Form.

icon arrowProvisional Results of M.A. (Aviation Law and Air Transport Management) – I Sem - 2018-19(Revised)

icon arrowProvisional Results of PGD in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management – I Sem - 2018-19(Revised)

icon arrowI Semester Repeat Examinations for Aviation Law Courses (2018-19) - Scheduled on 22-25 March 2019 - Click here to Submit Online Exam Form 

icon arrowProvisional Results of Patents Law–Supplementary Exams 2017-18 
icon arrowProvisional Results of Cyber Laws–Supplementary Exams 2017-18  
icon arrowProvisional Results of Media Laws–Supplementary Exams 2017-18 
 ​icon arrowProvisional Results of IHL–Supplementary Exams 2017-18 

icon arrowDeadline for submission Project Assignments for I Semester Papers for Aviation Law Courses (2018-19) is extended upto Feb 10, 2019

icon arrowICRISAT invites applications from Indian Nationals for Project Officer. The position is based at ICRISAT- Patancheru Hyderabad. 

icon arrowI Semester Examinations for Aviation Law Courses (2018-19) - Scheduled on 27-28 January 2019 - Click here to Submit Online Exam Form 

icon arrow Supplelemtary Examination (2017-18) - Scheduled on 15-16 December 2018

icon arrowOpening - Post-doc/Research Associate in Intellectual property, Innovation and Sustainability at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 


icon arrowDownload Application Form

icon arrowTentative Academic Calender - 2018-19

icon arrowThe 16th Annual Convocation of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad - July 28, 2018


Get in Touch for Admissions
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